During this time she has most definitely displayed that she's having a metal and possibly physically growth spurt.

She has been picking up trash, mostly empty wrappers, and putting them in the kitchen trash without being asked to! Last week, I opened a granola bar for her. As I was tearing it into bite sized pieces she disappeared. A second later I heard the trash can close and the wrapper was gone. She had thrown it away in the 5 seconds I was helping her out!
Lately, it only takes her a few minutes to learn new words. We start in the morning and by lunch she's repeating them. We even learned her friend Booboos name on the 30 minute stroller walk to his house.
She has also been assembling sentences with words we haven't even practiced.
"mama's there!"
And FINALLY, my baby has started singing. Yesterday she made up her very first song!!!!
Verse one: Love ya, love ya, Dada.

It's absolutely incredible to watch this toddler develop into a big girl! Especially when you realize most of the things she's saying, you've taught her!
I'm so proud of my little Corn Muffin!
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